A blank sheet of paper can always be daunting at first, but I have flipped that theory on its head because now when I am faced with one, it fills me with excitement of all the possibilities in front of me and the projects I can create. Now, my imagination is my happy place.


'Looking forward to Spring'

'Looking forward to Spring'

To completely contradict myself from my ‘Christmas crackered’ update, even though I love Christmas, I’m not very keen on winter and all it involves - defrosting the car at stupid o’clock, my toes being in a permanent state of frostbite and having to wear about 10 layers of clothing just to put the rubbish out!

So, with that being said, I look forward to a change in the seasons and a little bit more warmth in my bones. Everything starting to re-grow and all of the colours returning to nature. These happy thoughts in my head have lead me to start working on another creation for my business in the shape of floral wreaths.

As I mentioned in my previous update, I am drawn to all things nature and flowers in particular always seem to inspire me, so I am really loving the process at the moment, even though they are starting to take over my living space a little too much for my liking now.

A Calligraphy Pen and some White card ....

A Calligraphy Pen and some White card ....